When you click to order items from the online shop they are added to your shopping basket.
Click on the basket link at the top left of the page to see the contents of your basket.
Click 'Check out' to start your purchase.
You may pay for your order by cheque, bank transfer or credit card online.
If you are unhappy about filling in your card details online simply call us and we can carry out the transaction over the telephone.
If you wish to pay by credit or debit card please choose 'Pay by credit or debit card' This process will securely charge your card online
If you wish to pay by cheque or bank transfer, please choose the 'Invoice' option for payment in the checkout procedure. An invoice with payment details will then be emailed to you.
Goods will not be dispatched until cleared payment in full has been received.
You can, of course just telephone us on 02381 888250 during normal office hours and order over the telephone!
Thank you for your business !